Ha! I've just realised that the last time I blogged was my unofficial day in the life! Still, here we are...
Arrived at 8am to open up the library for 8.30am: turning on PCs and printer, filling printer with paper, putting money in the till, restocking the stationery shop, checking for bookings in the diary and new notes in the Circ Desk Message Book.
Stayed on Circ Desk til 11.30am (apart from my tea break). As usual on a Monday morning we have an entire BTEC sports class in taking up about 13 of our 18 PCs. I collated last week's statistics and checked to see if anything had been added to the 6 Book Challenge website. I then worked on cleaning up our catalogue's keywords - the bane of my life and a situation worthy of its own post. Massive problems with the printer (again - it's absolutely constant) so spent a lot of my morning explaining that to students. Also the internet was off or patchy until 10 ish which didn't help.
At 12 had lunch in our office because I couldn't be bothered to go up to staff room. I ran into the facilities manager who reassured me that the second recycling bin that we have requested over a week ago is on its way.
Back on the desk from 1-2. Students are complaining that it is taking 20-30 mins to log onto computers. I assure them that IT are aware of the problem and that we are as frustrated as they are. Processed the day's journals.
At 2pm went into the office. I don't like working in the office, I like to be on the floor. However, our other staff PC has had it's mouse ball stolen rendering it useless and IT have taken over a week to replace it. I could log onto a student computer but with the log on problems it seems like a waste of time. Finished cleaning up the keywords beginning with A.
At 3pm I distributed the days journals to study centres and had a little tidy up. At 3.30pm I was back on the Circ desk where I worked on creating the list of keywords I will clean up tomorrow (the Bs).
Left work at 5pm. Spent the evening working on the presentation.
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