Friday, 26 March 2010

Cataloguing donated Granta magazines

This week we were lucky enough to receive some donated Granta magazines. Due to the value of these items we want to make them issuable like books rather than Reference only magazines.

Classifying these has been interesting as they could fit in several shelf marks. For example Issue 101 could fit under: 828 (English miscellaneous writings) or 320 (Politics) or 070 (Journalism)or at a push under 770 (Photography) as they includes photo essays, or even under Fiction, although I am loathe to put anything with factual content under Fiction.

Considering our collection and user group (and knowledge of where our heaving shelves have space!) I've decided to put most of them under 808 (Rhetoric & collections of literature), although some issues have been put into subject areas (Issue 97 is solely fiction, issue 94 is solely travel writing).

Friday, 12 March 2010

Crazy Keywords continued

This week I've managed to correct 17 pages worth of crazy keywords, which I'm rather pleased with. I've been prioritising particularly messy sections rather than going through alphabetically.
Much of it is dealing with capitalisation, name conventions and rationalising (do we really need 'Geology' and 'Geology & Earth Sciences' when each only occur once?).

Here this week's top fifteen, the ones that have made me want to hit my head against something not soft:
1.Ethnic tourist attractions
2.Famous trains
4.explains how key skills are asessed
5.exercises on using numbers in everyday life
6.Fiction dealing with specific issues
7.Fighting back
8.facts, worksheet quiz
9.Internet links for different subjects
10. Forced entertainment
11. Future of Champagne Wines
12. Social dimension of wine
13. Sound Story (meaning 'talking book')
14. Disctionaries (on FOUR records?!?)
15. Dodgy deals

Thank you for letting me get that off my chest!

I did however have a little moment where I googled 'gases' to see if it was an artist's surname..